Friday, October 14, 2011

Soul Knitting

Many of you are probably familiar with the command in Hebrews 10:24 that we "stimulate one another to love and good deeds." I think we all recognize the importance of encouraging one another and the value in it but are we actually doing it?

A few months back I heard a devotional related to the life of David. The text came from 1 Samuel 18 and and verse one really stood out to me because it reads that "the soul of Jonathon was knit to the soul of David and Jonathon loved him as himself." If we want to encourage one another, we have to genuinely care and love each other. We have to remember to "think souls." If we start viewing those we come in contact with each day as souls and not merely people, maybe we will learn to encourage them, care for them and share the gospel with them. Perhaps we will care enough to share the most valuable substance in this world with them - the blood of Christ. And for our brothers and sisters who are in Christ, maybe we will begin fulfilling Hebrews 10:24 because we love their souls and long to grow in unity and strength of our Savior.

Today I pray that I will see souls and not just people; that I will take a good hard look at myself and honestly answer if my soul is knit to yours. I hope you will do the same. Is your soul knit to mine? Let's work on some soul knitting!

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