Monday, February 20, 2012

Kitchen Reveal

Here are some pictures of my kitchen - definitely my favorite room of the house. I love the different shades of green against the white beaded board cabinets.

The walls are painted Sherwin Williams' "Liveable Green" and my pantry door is a darker hue of this color called "Artichoke."

I knew I wanted all white appliances for the kitchen. I also put my request in with the hubby that we get a refrigerator with a smooth finish on the front instead of the traditional textured finish. It gives it a sleeker look and is much easier to clean.

Oh, you are wondering where all the crazy ABC magnets are? I prefer the front of my refrigerator to look like this. Which means the sides look like...

...this! Removing all the clutter from my kitchen is just not realistic for this photo shoot. Sorry :)

I keep little pretties in my windowsill to make me smile as I wash dishes. 

I love my Ikea Liatorp dining table paired with the Ingolf chairs. It is easy to clean and the leaf is stored inside the table making it quickly accessible.

I painted this mirror to match the pantry door. The yellow little girl's apron belonged to mother when she was young and the cherry apron was a lucky find at a local antique shop.

We are certainly blessed! I am thankful that God has provided us with a home that provides for all our needs and so much more.

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